Perfect Scars Group

Cancer is never a pleasant topic of conversation, especially when you need to raise awareness about the disease and generate corporate sponsorship for the Perfect Scars book, a not-for-profit breast cancer project. By putting a positive spin on it, Perfect Scars celebrates a person’s true fighting spirit to beat cancer, heroing the scars that are the physical reminder.

Drawing inspiration from the beautiful imagery captured and personal journey’s shared, I designed the website that showcased the photography, and provided information for companies and individuals interested in purchasing the book or sponsoring the project. In addition, I produced a documentary which was featured on their website and on Facebook. The project also appeared on Australia’s A Current Affair. The documentary was viewed by over 1,400 people in the first 2 weeks following the launch and the project has raised over $25,000. Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the National Breast cancer Foundation.




