Westpac Scam Awareness

In response to the surge in online scams during the pandemic in Australia, Westpac took proactive measures to combat this issue by targeting the tech-savvy younger audience, who were particularly vulnerable to these scams. To engage this demographic, I devised a creative approach by developing a series of three gaming-themed videos titled ‘Don’t get played’. These videos were designed to be concise, easily understandable, and focused on educating viewers about common scams, warning signs to look out for, and the necessary steps to take if they become victims of scams. By addressing topics such as Tinder and tax time, the videos offered a fresh and engaging perspective on what is typically considered dry or fear-inducing content.

To ensure a wider reach, Westpac utilised social media and email channels to direct customers to the Westpac Security Hub, where they could access the complete collection of videos. This hub served as a comprehensive resource, equipping customers with extensive knowledge about scams. Additionally, I created a landing page and a detailed digital guide, both of which provided valuable information and a range of tools to empower customers in safeguarding their personal and financial data online.

Leveraging the popularity of the Westpac Banking Channel on YouTube, which boasts 10.4K subscribers, the uploaded videos garnered over 16K views. This successful engagement with the younger demographic resulted in a significant 32 percent decrease in scam losses for Westpac over the past two years. This positive shift in behaviour indicates that the younger audience has become more cautious and resilient against fraudulent activities, effectively protecting the bank’s clientele from enduring substantial financial setbacks caused by scams.